Sunday, April 3, 2011

Myrtle Beach, SC and Wilmington, NC

Nice Pier in Myrtle

We are slowing it down right now. One of the things that we abhor is snow so we are doing our best to pace ourselves and let the north get warm. We also hope to meet up with Anna's brother and his wife, Micah and Rachelle, in the DC area. They will be rolling into that area around April 12th. We could possibly meet up with a friend from what feels like long ago Jamie as well!

This is what surrounds you in Myrtle Beach

I am just going to be honest here and tell you this past week has not been good. These are places I never really felt the need to go to. I have never heard great things about them and I never thought to myself, "One day I am going to South Carolina!"

Beach and Motels of Myrtle

We are doing our best to keep to a budget and we haven't behaved ourselves in the month of March much like every other month we have been on this trip. We decided to hunker down and just go on bare bones mode and just spend the absolute minimum until the end of the month. We ended up having only 40 bucks for the last 3 days of March. Let me tell you about the few things we did see in the places we went to.

Enter North Carolina!

We rolled out of Columbia amidst the dreary rain and headed to Myrtle Beach. Man on the way there, there  were at least 5, "Welcome" centers for Myrtle Beach. They were trying to get you to stop with free soda and popcorn and they had wifi. We didn't need any of that so we just kept on. These stores were as far out as like 50 miles from Myrtle Beach!?! We went to a KOA there to get a much needed shower and were shocked to find out that it was only 30 bucks in this resort town. The facility was beautiful and we got a good relaxation in on the property. Disaster struck in the morning when we went to turn Maander on and immediately an oil spill occurred. It wasn't very cold at all and I didn't feel like I revved the engine more than normal and it just popped. Well we cleaned it up and I went and got more oil and a filter. I have officially changed to 10w-40 now and hope that'll solve this problem without damaging the engine or overheating it.

We walked all over Myrtle Beach. We walked a ton.... We didn't see too much, however. Myrtle Beach is apparently known as having the most miniature golf courses in one place. This has had the effect of influencing the hotels to design their pool areas like miniature gold courses. It felt kinda gimmicky. I imagined this would be a locale for a family where the kids are all below 10 and just running around having a blast and the parents are sitting around eating at buffets, of which are plenty.

Entrance of the college UNCW

We spent a few days there. After the walk we stayed mostly in this developed part of town that had a mall and a Walmart. We just hunkered down went and spent copious amounts of time in coffee shops and tried not to spend money. After 2 days we left for Wilmington.

At the College
the camera actually didn't fall in this time!

We rolled into Wilmington and stopped at a Starbucks by the college. We then spent the next day walking the campus of UNCW. There wasn't too much to the campus but it was nice and it was fun to people watch. Last night we stayed at a KOA and went to church this morning. Everyone was nice but we didn't end up hanging with anyone after the service. We finally headed down to the historic part of the town by the river and Wilmington ended up having some charm to it. There were many placards noting historic happenings around town. All in all it was a nice walk and some good scenery but nothing that charmed the pants off me like Savannah did.

Thought it looked pretty interesting in Wilmington

I feel like I am running on fumes right now. I think I am very home sick or that I am done traveling. I have a big desire just to stay in one spot and do nothing really. I suppose I am sick of the constant moving but that may just be because the towns in my immediate future hold little interest to me. Savannah was a happy accident and I hope to have another one of those experiences soon. These past few days of Anna and I just laying low has had us debating shooting across the country back to Cali very quickly. Our options are wide open and I want to get a great experience from this but sometimes you got to get back to work. I think I may even enjoy getting a job again or going to school and having some work to do. I will unquestionably go to New York, Philadelphia, and Boston but other places on the east coast we will just have to see what happens. We will come back to Sacramento on May 4th leaving from Pittsburgh. We will then finish up the trip on after May 10th. We may just stop in Chicago then pedal to the metal to Rushmore then Denver and home. I look forward to what is ahead but I also want to see some familiar faces. Peace

By the river in Wilmington

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