Sunday, March 27, 2011

Charleston, Ft. Sumter, and Columbia, SC

This blog should be short and sweet so enjoy...

Yet another state woweee

When you have to go......

We got out of Savannah and spent the night at a KOA near Charleston the next day we walked the town of Charleston and saw everything. While we heard good things about this town it didn't live up to how we felt about Savannah. We saw  buildings from the 1600s and there were plaques that told us all about the history  around the town which was cool but the place didn't have the charm Savannah did. Tons of Civil War relics and the mosquitoes here suck big time. They are tiny and tons of them leaving a bunch of tiny bites on you all over the place.

Here is the actual fountain
the kids can play in it:)
Old houses from the Rainbow district
that is the historic section not
a gay enclave

The next day we headed on over to Ft. Sumter. This is where the Civil War began. It was great to hear the history and to see the awesome artifacts from the war. 150 years ago feels like eons yet it truly wasn't that long ago. To think that we have history from 2000 years ago is amazing. There are a ton of statues and memorials in this town that relate to the Civil War as well as the Revolution.

from circa 1680
Anna has been loving the Wisteria 

A big awesome surprise that happened was that my cousin, Daniel, and his wife, Laura, happened to be in Charleston for a wedding! The day after Ft. Sumter we met up and walked the town. Since Anna and I had walked the town already we kinda gave them a guided tour of all the highlights we thought were worth revisiting. We had delicious sandwiches at Firehouse then Anna, Daniel, and Laura decided to sneak up to a guest floor at a historic hotel. They asked the cleaning ladies if they could look at the rooms and they obliged. I guess they got a kick out of that while I just kinda hung at the park across the street enjoying the view :)

On the boat to Ft. Sumter
Inside this was used to kill people!
Inner courtyard of the fort
Some of the wreckage from war

After they snuck some sweet tea (complimentary for guests) they headed out and we parted ways. Laura was busy with wedding stuff so we hoped to see them again soon. Friday we met up with Daniel at a pub had some pub food and drinks and then said good bye this would be the last we saw of them we planned on heading to Columbia after seeing Sucker Punch the  movie.

State Capital building in Columbia

We went to a place that has a full restaurant and bar at the theatre but since we had just ate we declined any food or drink and enjoyed the movie. I heard a criticism of the movie that it was basically eye candy with no story. I would basically agree with that criticism. The visuals were amazing, from the maker of 300 and The Watchmen. This was his first movie where he wasn't going off of a graphic novel or anything so he wrote it and I guess it showed in that the different fantasies and visuals seemed not to link up to the overall narrative very well. I liked it for the most part but wouldn't recommend it unless you have a blueray player and surround sound in your home to rent.

During the Civil War they were "Brick Batting" this statue, whatever
that means, and as a result Washington's
cane got knocked off

So far Columbia has been pretty basic of a town. It has been raining pretty hard but the times when it has let up we walked the capital. The town has a Sacramento feeling to it in the sense that there doesn't seem to have too much going on but there is probably some good times to be had if you knew what to look for. We have been keeping it low key to save money and pace ourselves so we don't throw ourselves into the snow or super cold. It is actually decently cold now which is a first after being in Florida for so long.


Well enjoy the pics. We plan on going to Myrtle Beach then North... Peace

Relic from the Cold War.
This was on the Senate building
Crazy looking statue that commemorated the Women of the Confederacy

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