Wednesday, December 15, 2010

SLO, Pismo Beach, Solvang, and Santa Barbara, CA

I felt like last blog post was just a we did this... then this.... then this...

Nothing where I shared any emotions or thoughts on this trip. This entry I will make an attempt at sharing a little deeper.

You will notice that as look down at the pictures there aren't anymore pictures of SLO. That's because it just didn't feel picture worthy. Not to say that SLO is a lame place. It is actually a really fun place with lots of young people and things to do. The reason it just isn't photogenic is because it doesn't feel unique. We walked around downtown a bunch and they had shops that every major city has and we stopped at a pub which most cities have etc. We never really saw a view or place where we were wowed.

Our last night in SLO we did see a caroling competition though that was put on by the historical society of SLO. It was at this historic house that has a beautiful garden in the back where they held the competition. It wasn't a very big crowd but a good sized one. The performers were amateurs who did a relatively good job. There was a local hip-hop artist that performed an original Christmas rap that stole the show. Yeah I know you would be like silly cracker from SLO but he was actually African-American! Yes black people exist in SLO! I had a hard time believing it too.

The event had some appetizers which included Splash Cafe clam chowder which is one of the things my friend who went to college here said I had to try out. So I got some super good chowder for free baby. We probably ate too much there, they had pasta and lasagna as well but it made for a great meal for 5 bucks and we got entertainment.

From the beginning of he pier

After the caroling we headed down towards Pismo Beach to stay at a RV place. Every RV place down here isn't cheap so it hurt quite a bit forking over the money to stay but we were both eager to get showers and chill out for the night. Next morning it was The Lord's Day so we did a quick search on the net for a church and found Bethel Baptist Church in nearby Avila Beach. Across the street from this church is another one that looked to have probably 1.5k+ members. We went with the small humble church. I really liked our decision because the congregation was small and super friendly. We practically met everyone there and shared our story. The pastor was super jealous. The service was nice and afterwards the Pastor asked if he could pray for us. I thought that was pretty cool and very encouraging.

The beaches were perfect for walking

Another self Cheese

We have now gotten to the climate where I don't think winter truly exists. We went to Pismo Beach and walked the pier. We decided it was so warm that we would go change into our shorts and swimsuit and chill out on the beach. Anna was in love with the idea of sun bathing and I was looking forward just to chilling on the beach for a long while. The waves at Pismo seem to be absolutely perfect for surfing and there were a ton of them hitting the waves. They were the perfect size. That was fun watching them.

Me looking over my should and saying

Just before sunset some spiderwebs

Sunset in Pismo

Once it got dark we went and saw the movie 127 hours. Very good movie. We then went to the local Walmart and spent the night there. The next day was time to go to the city of Solvang. Before we got to Solvang we stopped at Andersen's Pea Soup Restaurant. The drive from Pismo to Solvang was pretty far and we left mid day when it was about 75 degrees or more. Unfortunately, Maander started getting hotter than he has previously. Not into the red zone where I would have had to stop and let him cool down but just hotter than I would have preferred. We also connected that on long drives where Maander gets pretty hot usually the next time we try and start him the starter doesn't work. Well we had some great food over at Andersen's and went to start the bus. Sure enough the starter wasn't working. Luckily, I had anticipated this and parked on a hill. I coasted down the hill and did a push start. Then the generator light was on :( Lately, Maander has been doing this but I would just turn him off then on again and everything would be cool. Well we couldn't do that right there. I had to drive up the hill again and coast down and push start again and again. Every time the generator light would be on. I started stressing. I knew there wasn't anything I could immediately do so I was like well lets go the 5 miles to Solvang and hopefully not kill the battery going there. I figured if Maander died we would just get him towed to a shop and then we would replace the alternator and if necessary the starter. We made it there and just crossed our fingers everything would be cool. Anna asked me what we should do and I said, "Well, there isn't anything we can do right now so we need to just forget about it and enjoy this city" I feel like we succeeded in enjoying the city.

At Andersen's. Anna way too
excited for it :)

SolvangMaander Anna and I were praying that Maander would start right up and everything would be kosher. It was! So with all that in mind I now have to decide whether I want to get the parts down here in Socal where there is a very healthy VW scene or get the parts when I get back up to Sac. I think if we make it down to San Diego I could do the work at our friends place.

Solvang babay


This would be a sick tat

Awesome Sanctuary

I don't want to seem disrespectful but isn't this
totally Baby Buddy Jesus?

We had planned on staying the night in Solvang but it was so touristy and what not it just wasn't conducive to boondocking. We made our way to our next stop Santa Barbara. Another long drive and in total on the day I believe I drove about 120 miles. This time the engine didn't get very hot and it was evening. We went into the downtown area and walked around State Street which is the main street where they have all kinds of restaurants and shops. We did a ton of walking and Anna got tired but I wasn't. I wanted to keep going and she was just like done with the experience. She got cranky and I got frustrated and it just felt like we were getting sick of each other. I could feel the tension but we just kept on. There is a 24 hour fitness here so we went and worked out and got some showers. Next day we biked around the beach then headed inland to State Street again. My bike had a badly bent axle on the rear and it would make the tire rub against the frame. This made it feel like I was going uphill on flat ground. I became absolutely exhausted while Anna was just fine. I got really pissed at my bike and just said we had to take it to a shop. Luckily, I got it fixed for just 20 bucks and now I am very happy with my bike.

HC Andersen
Lonely dude

This may be Titus' dad

OK way too long wrapping up :(

Had dinner with Anna's friend who lives in town Sarah. We had Mexican it was OK. We went to 24 hour again and this time I chilled in the hot tub :) then took a shower boy are we spoiled have a shower 2 days in a row :P.

On our bike ride in SB
never seen these kinds of birds before

Brother of Maander!

Don't think thats the best spot to look at a

From SB's pier

So here is a crazy story I have to tell you before I go.

When we were in Big Sur looking at that waterfall there was a young man there probably 20-23 years old. He looked like a traveler and it looked like he was hiking everywhere he was going. When we were at the waterfall he was seated at a bench just chillin reading a book. I thought this guy knows whats up and it traveling in a really minimal way. When we were having lunch there he walked by and asked us the what the day of the week it was. I was like yeaaaa he definitely has been doing this awhile if he has forgotten the day of the week and then I didn't think much of him after that. Well we saw him walking down a street in SLO. I was like what??!?!? Anna and I agreed if we saw him again we would introduce ourselves to him. Well yesterday walking around Santa Barbara we see him in the window of a coffee shop. Again I was like whaaaa??!?!?! But this time we chickened out in introducing ourselves. We then agreed that if we saw him again we would have to introduce ourselves or the trip was over. Boom this morning on the beach we see him walking away from a motorcycle. Aaah that's how he has been keeping up with us. We shook his hand introduced ourselves. He told us he kinda has been meandering around the Socal beach towns for the most part. We told him our plans. It was cool I didn't catch his name though.


  1. I just have to say that Baby Jesus looks a little Micheal Keaton/Beetlejuice-esgue to me! LOL! I love the pic of Titus' Dad too! I think it's pretty crazy that you kept seeing the same dude! Maybe a bit stalkerish though.... I remember the Pea Soup place, it's funny what sticks out from childhood memories. Sounds like you guys are really sight-seeing and it's cool that you're taking time out to hit up churches on Sunday. Keep on truckin' bro! See ya at Christmas right?

  2. yea you will see us at Christmas. We will roll into town on a train on the 22nd. Thanks for the comments

  3. Ya I feel what you mean about downtown SLO. It's changed a lot over the last ten years. All of those big chain stores are recent additions that have taken away from the cool little downtown feel and made it more like your just walking through a mall... Apple, Abercrombie, Urban Outfitters all just came in the last few years, barf. Sad.

  4. Sounds like you guys are have a good time. Hope you see all the good sites down that way. Are you still coming back by train for Christmas?
