Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Last of Chico, back home for Thanksgiving and a bit of Isleton Hayward, CA

I am going to keep it short and sweet. I do plan on doing a video blog for this entry but I will update later hopefully. I am in the middle of a Starbucks and don't want to create it here looking like a dork :P. Tons of pics and took a break while we were with family back in Sacramento. It was fun and what not. enjoy:

Shortly after I punched this dude, then went to the hospital
for a broken hand :(

Very beginning of walking Bidwell Park in Chico

They swim in this in the summer ??!?!?!?


That's a doe, a deer! A female deer!


Back home in Sac ran into The Beatles !!!

Hayward->Bart->SF now entering China town

Anna really liked this pic where Coit tower is

In some smokey cyclone thing! at the Exploratorium

Making smoke rings sweeeet

Drink milk and maybe this will happen to you!


At Rickhouse, Jonny O tending bar I get some
very good whiskey
oh, and I am mad my glasses broke the day before we left

Anna enjoying her drink as well

Chillin' at Rickhouse

This is what Rickhouse looks like from the second level

Ending the night at Irish Bank nom noming on some blue cheese fries
oh and some Guinness


  1. Alex,

    So good to catch up with your road trip. Exciting. Bummer about the glasses.


  2. I know it might be my crappy comp, but I had all the volume settings up and couldn't hear you.

  3. I agree w kim, louder plz! i will say that though the video was a nice change of pace i miss all the words too. You're wittier and more quotable in word-form. Miss you pookie

  4. thanks guys. I know i didnt talk very loud. on my computer I sounded fine though so dont know exactly what is up. I will return to the words no worries just wanted to try this out and see how it went

  5. Hey you didn't tell them how I had to come and bail you out with your car. I hope now reamber to warm your car no matter what.

  6. Irish bank is the best, there guiness is so good. And rickhouse is bomb too. I hear that Johnny O Character is quit a debonair man. Glad you guys got to hang with Johnny a lil bit. smooches

  7. kisses herm. i concurr with everything you just stated

    oh, and dad - yeaa... i forgot to mention it.... guess it slipped my mind :)
