Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Winters, CA our first stop on our trip

Had a hectic morning unexpectedly. Went to move the bus to a spot that we could park at all day and heard a gurgling sound. Looked behind me and saw a trail of oil! Needless to say I was freaking out. I thought that it was very realistic that our trip was already over. Pulled over and took a look at what was causing the leak. It was the external oil filter. For whatever reason the gasket got tweaked and it let oil spill out. We made a pretty bad mess on the asphalt with probably 3 quarts of oil on the ground. We ran to the auto parts store and picked up a new filter and some supplies to clean up. I got the new filter on and filled the engine up with oil to the proper level. Pretty quickly it started leaking again! Turns out the filter we got, while on the auto parts store says it matches but is not the same brand, just didn't fit correctly. I fixed the gasket on the original filter and put that on and now it seems to be sealed up proper.

I am definitely very worried that this problem may happen again. I guess we are going through the beginning growing pains of this trip but this is an issue that we shouldn't be having. I have driven this bus all around town and to and from San Francisco twice without a problem. Why does this happen now? AAhhhhh! I just pray that God keeps this bus intact and in good working order.

Now on with my time in Winters last night.

We probably arrived in Winters at 2pm. Found a place to park and got on our bikes to ride around downtown Winters. Turns out downtown isn't that big and bikes weren't all that necessary. We stopped into a hardware store to pick up some odds and ends that we didn't get back in Sacramento and continued down the road. We went into their visitors center and asked them what the must sees were in town. The lady there gave us a few brochures and let us know of some landmarks close by to check out.

This is the Old Train bridge now a pedestrian walkway.

Downtown Winters what you see is basically it

We asked her about a sign we saw that said "Chamber of Commerce Mixer Everyone Welcome" She said we were definitely invited and all it was was $5 donation. We had some good finger foods with some wine. We met the owner of Buckhorn grill which is apparently important because Winters is the original Buckhorn. He didn't like the idea of getting a picture with us but it was fun talking to him. After speaking with him we began talking to a couple who owned a bar down the way across the Putah Creek. They gave us a card for 2 free beers and just said they were happy to meet us. The place is call Dee Dee's Bar and Grill and we went there had our brew and charged our cellphones. Pretty fun night and it was cool meeting the local people around town.

Here we are at the Mixer


  1. So funny the owner dude didn't want to take a picture with you guys! how's the bus holdin' up?
